This database is maintained by Dr Amy Burge from the University of Birmingham.

Privacy notice

We do not collect any personal data on this site. However, we do monitor traffic to individual pages to provide us with general analytics data. It is an extremely common practice, and not used to monitor individual users.

If you do not wish us to track your visits to this site, you can turn on Do Not Track in your browser. This will tell websites not to track you in analytics, and we will strictly honour it.

Access to personal data and the right to be forgotten

As we do not store any personal data, there is nothing for you to request access to or to be removed.


If you choose to contribute, you will use Google Forms and will therefore be subject to their privacy policy.

Updates to this privacy notice

This notice was last updated on 25th January 2023.

Contact information

If you have any questions about the privacy notice, please contact Dr Amy Burge.